Since 2006, the Salon du dessin organizes every year international meetings around a theme. "Travel drawings" will be the theme of the study days in 2024 and 2025
Palais Brongniart / Petit auditorium, 1st floor
Free access for Salon du dessin visitors, subject to availability. Reservation recommended
Traveling Artists:
Forms and Functions of Travel Drawing
Until the middle of the last century, traveling, covering long distances from one continent to another, from one country to another, from one region to another, discovering and exploring them, coming into contact with different cultures, equally different traditions, all constituted a rare experience and a unique personal enrichment, but one that was difficult for the vast majority of women and men to access.
Nowadays, on the contrary, in a globalized world, continuously interconnected, where communications encounter no obstacle, moving has become an ordinary activity.
Federico Zuccaro (détail) Un dessinateur dans un paysage red stone, black stone 271 x 395 mm Vienna, Albertina, inv. 13329r.
It is not only the travel itself that has been facilitated thanks to more efficient and cheaper means of transport, it is also the invention and widespread use of new electronic devices that have contributed to recording and recording on the spot each of these moments of discovery through a simple mechanical action. This was not the case in the past - at least until the invention of photography.
Indeed, it was drawing practice that allowed the traveler to entrust this manual technique with the visual memory of his experience.
However, this act required a certain form of optical and intellectual concentration, far from digital instantaneity, and above all, essential knowledge to master the gestures.
Albrecht Dürer Costume d'hiver de trois dames de Livonie
pen, black ink, watercolor
183 x 194 mm
Paris, Musée du Louvre, inv. 21 DRr.
"Travel drawings" are the theme of the study days
that will take place during the Salon du dessin in 2024 and 2025.
The main objective will be to question the forms and functions of this type of drawing, whether they were made by artists, antiquaries (in the old sense of the term), writers, explorers, or scientists who, during their travels, felt the need to graphically record in sketchbooks or on isolated sheets the forms of the visible world surrounding them.
The two study days scheduled for 2024 focused more particularly on the period from the Renaissance to the seventeenth century, while those planned for 2025 will address the same subject from the eighteenth century to the present day.
Gentile Bellini Un janissaire turc
pen, black ink
215 x 172 mm
Londres, British Museum, inv. Pp,1.19.
Day 1
Wednesday 26 March 2025
from 2.30 pm to 6 pm
Day 2
Thursday 27 March 2025
from 2.30pm to 6pm
Marco Simone Bolzoni
Curator of Old Master and 19th century drawings
from the Debra and Leon Black collection, New York
Sarah Catala
Independent Scholar, France
Hubert Robert. The Morgan library’s Sketchbook
Laura Angelucci
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Carnets d’artistes français en voyage en Italie sous l’Ancien Régime et la Révolution
Jonny Yarker
Independent Scholar, England
Joseph Wright of Derby and his circle in Rome
Camilla Pietrabissa
Università IUAV, Venice
Canaletto in Inghilterra
Michele Hannoosh
University of Michigan
Delacroix à Londres: carnets de voyage
Emily Weeks
Yale University
“Travel Art” or Images of Home?: John Frederick Lewis's Drawings from his “Egyptian Year”
Donato Esposito
Independent Scholar, England
Encountering Egypt: George Frederic Watts in Egypt
Elena Marchetti
Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Venice
Paul Flandrin en Normandie
Mathias Chivot
Archives Vuillard
Édouard Vuillard
Ketty Gottardo
The Courtauld Gallery, London
Paul Gauguin aux Marquises: strategies d’adaptation (et re-adaptation)
Information 29th edition
Dear visitors,
Due to the gravity of the international situation resulting from the spread of COVID-19 and in order to protect the health of all parties concerned, we have decided to cancel the 29th edition of the Salon du dessin.
France officially declared a state of health emergency on 24 March for two months and there are still numerous uncertainties regarding the evolution of the pandemic over the coming months. These factors make it impossible to reprogram the Salon before the summer of 2020 and the Salon du dessin, which usually attracts numerous other events in Paris for a week, will therefore not take place this year.
Louis de Bayser, President of the Salon du dessin said “this is a difficult decision to take with regard to all those who worked hard for this edition, but our priority is to protect the health of all our exhibitors, visitors and partners”.
We send our thoughts to all those affected by this epidemic and hope that this unprecedented health situation will quickly change favorably.
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